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Why is this torso protected with fences ? The arms and legs are already off. Yet I do not experience such a torso as something unfinished. I even see this as an existential form of beingness, a foundation of 'manhood'. (anonymous workshop participant : 'the ideal man')


Museum Plantin Moretus Antwerp, Greet Lhermitte plays with Martina Plantin, literate daughter of Christoffel Plantin.

A bit too enthusiastic attempt to explain what image refueling is.

Olivier Strébelle, miss television, Middelheim Museum.

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Middelheim Museum,

at Ria Pacquée's summer exhibition 2019. “We are looking at them. They are looking at us'.

Driving with the Greet mobile in Open Air

Middelheim Museum Antwerp. Those who have difficulty walking can use the 'golf car'.

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